Level 7, 97-99 Bathurst St
Sydney NSW 2000
+61 2 9264 6413
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Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 16:00
Office Open Hours
Sydney NSW 2000
Enquires & Support
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The platform and forms are raised by extending the Long stroke jack pistons and pushing off the lifting beam “flipper feet” located in the preformed pockets in the pour below the previous pour.
For pours less than the 3.2m stroke of the Long stroke jacks, the platform and forms are lifted in one operation to the top of the next pour location. The “flipper feet” on the bottom platform level then automatically engage in the preformed pockets in the previous pour. Upon releasing the load in the Long stroke jacks, the platform is supported by the flipper feet. The Long stroke jack is then retracted, raising the lifting beam into the next set of pockets.
For pours greater than the 3.2m stroke of the Long stroke jacks, the platform and forms are lifted in two lift, seat and retract operations to the top of the next pour location.
After the concrete for the pour is placed and sufficiently cured, form ties are removed and the forms stripped. The pivoting internal forms virtually self strip whilst the rolling external forms require the use of chain pullers or similar equipment to strip.
All forms are typically cleaned and oiled at this stage.
The above operations are then repeated until completion.
The platform and forms are raised by extending the Long stroke jack pistons and pushing off the lifting beam “flipper feet” located in the preformed pockets in the pour below the previous pour.
For pours less than the 3.2m stroke of the Long stroke jacks, the platform and forms are lifted in one operation to the top of the next pour location. The “flipper feet” on the bottom platform level then automatically engage in the preformed pockets in the previous pour. Upon releasing the load in the Long stroke jacks, the platform is supported by the flipper feet. The Long stroke jack is then retracted, raising the lifting beam into the next set of pockets.
For pours greater than the 3.2m stroke of the Long stroke jacks, the platform and forms are lifted in two lift, seat and retract operations to the top of the next pour location.
Once the internal corner form brackets are installed, blockout and reinforcement fixing against the internal forms is carried out to full height from ladders or hop up brackets. The forms are then closed and tied with form ties in readiness for the next pour.
After the concrete for the pour is placed and sufficiently cured, form ties are removed and the forms stripped. The pivoting internal forms virtually self strip whilst the rolling external forms require the use of chain pullers or similar equipment to strip. All forms are typically cleaned and oiled at this stage. The above operations are then repeated until completion.
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